Sunday September 28, 2014
Today was our last full day here at the Alton Marina. This place gets 6 stars out of 5. The staff are amazing, the facilities are amazing and even the new guy this morning was nice…clueless but nice. By the end of his shift he was better. For example, garbage pickup happens three or four times per day…just leave a bag out and they are on it. Proper customer service is a lot of work, you can’t just sit in the office and watch the world go by.
Alton Marine has the place decorated nicely themed for fall and getting ready for Halloween.
Today was the last day of our Snottah rental and we took a drive up the river back to Grafton to show Allan and Anne the river, the confluence of the Illinois and the Mississippi and to have lunch. Anne wanted to go to the restaurant that served turtle and frog legs but sanity reigned supreme and we made an alternate lunch plan.
We came back to Fracas and ran her over to the service dock to do her bodily functions in preparation for tomorrows departure.
Then we jumped in the Snottah to go down river to the Great River Museum and lock tour. There was some interesting displays and the tour was kind of cool. You get a sense of the power of water while standing 80 feet over structures trying to mess with gravity. We saw where all the trees, logs, boots and stuff collects…see pictures.
We returned to the marina and it was time for me to return the Snottah to the Enterprise…I sound like Captain Kirk. That part went well. I had four numbers from the googlizer for taxis. All four turned out to no longer be in service. I saw a cab passing and yelled and he yelled back I’m off for the day call Eric and he yelled out a number. I called Erick and he raced over 20 minutes later to pick me up. Are you thinking no tip…
We now have Fracas full of water, fuel and food. Bring er on.
more later