What a transformation from the ‘wilds’ of Peck Lake to the downtown anchorage here at West Palm Beach. We would hear the insistent warning shriek of the ospreys and here we hear incessant transits of the helicopter. We have to dress up to go to shore here, croc flops have to match and I break out the Tommy Hilfiger boxers. I will do the pics as a captioned album as it is easier for me and there are quite a few pics.
We are just up the road from PT45 who is visiting Palm Beach this weekend. We are a couple of bridges away from the security zone, but the number of helicopters and coast guard is certainly up. No problem for us we will stay up here.
Yesterday we left Peck Lake at about 08:00 hrs and arrived where we dropped the hook at about 14:25 hrs. In the interim we transited the ICW and traversed about 9 bridges. I don’t think Fracas can go much further south due to the fixed bridge height being too low. That’s ok because we plan to use the Lake Worth Cut to head over to the Northern Bahamas.
We went ashore to scout out the terrain. We are downtown West Palm so not a typical setting for an anchorage. I did find a liquor store, a camera store but no grocery. We had dinner at a restaurant named Grease. It is a burger bar with almost 100 beers. Everyone raved about their burgers. Mine was good to a point. I ordered the Black and Blue burger and then I bit into a bigger piece of blue cheese than I was ready for. You know the feeling, sensation and overpowering taste. I managed to wash it away with the darkest rum they had. They had big honkin’ chunks of dill pickles and ML gave me hers. Win. Good service and certainly good food.
We wandered around and walked the shore along Mega Row. Lots of big, big boats. We saw many we have crossed paths with over our cruising history.
more later