Thursday June 18th, 2015
Fracas has a new member of the crew. Harrison Robert Wright was born in Sudbury on June 14th at 16:15hrs. He arrived at the healthy weight of 9 lbs. 10 oz. We were lucky enough to be on hand for his ‘first’ birthday. Mother and son are healthy and now are at home. He does visit us here in the cellar from time to time.
This early in Harrison’s life I don’t think I have to wear my helmet yet. There are two of the hardwood clock weapons in the house. As long time readers will recall Michael ‘clocked’ me when he was terrible two. Whenever I hear any part of the tune ‘Grandfather’s clock’ I piss my pants and forget my name for a half an hour.
Sorry, I have to change my pants. I shouldn’t have listened to the YouTube… Mary Lynn says he didn’t mean to do it…
What will Harrison call me?
I have no idea what the process was when Michael and Jennifer named their grandparents. I suspect someone else determined the names. They had a grandfather on my side ‘Poppa’ and grandmother on ML’s side ‘Grandma’. Since those names appear to be taken the research continues.
Nearly from the time Michael could speak he called me Greg. This went on for about 32 years and continues to this day. He called ML ‘Mary Lynn’ for a short time during this phase. It was embarrassing from time to time as when we were out in public people would think I was anything but his father. We attempted to ‘correct’ this name issue to no avail. There was no logic in his little brain related to calling me DaDa. My name was Greg to the world and that would be good enough for him.
I will attempt to correct this with Harrison. To make things easier for him I will be GregPa. I’m fairly certain that I will fail and time will tell what he will call me. I’m not sure what ML will be called but I’m leaning to MEEMAW like the old joke about the ambulance…