Sunday February 12th, 2017
On Saturday the weather was not great for sailing east but it was good for moving east. We wanted to be somewhere secure for Wednesday/Thursday if it blows. It now looks like it won’t be as bad as CP originally thought. His forecast on Saturday mentioned squalls to 50 kts. We’ve been there a few times and don’t look forward to be on an open hook with winds gusting like that.
We were able to sail as we left Great Sale Cay as our track was almost north for the first hour. After that we kept tightening our course to the east and the sails were furled. Allan’s Cay is our destination and the overnight forecast is for winds to be light and variable and all under 10. I can report that it was a nice night on the hook.
A clarification. The lunar eclipse that CP weather had told us to look out for was not at 6:45 p.m. as they said. Those weather people talk in Greenwich time. We waited for a couple of hours and the eclipse occurred as scheduled at 00:45 Eastern time. We had no googlizer to get the correct time. I passed a lens cover over the moon and simulated the celestial event and went to bed.
There were about 5 boats anchored at Allan’s Cay for the night. One power boat in particular was a little noisy. Five or so guys from the mainland were out for a booze cruise. They fell down and giggled a lot and eventually went to bed. We hope to get moving to Green Turtle Cay in the morning.
Setting the anchor here at Allan’s Cay was tricky. Lots of weeds. There are patches of sand to try to set in but most of the bottom is quite hard and tricky to dig into.