Saturday December 31st, 2016
At the outset, I want to wish you and yours the best of luck and happiness in 2017. Please be careful in your activities tonight. Don’t drink and drive, just give us a call and Mary Lynn will come and drive you home.
Yesterday I was out with my son Mike helping one of his little friends install a new kitchen sink. From the coating of glue on my hands (that I’m slowly abrading away) I spilled the glue. As a result of the fumes (methyl ethyl ketone), I can’t remember where and I need to get my tools. If I did plumbing for you yesterday please respond.
Those folks offended by my comments about Winnipeg yesterday… suck it up butter cup. There are good things and good times in Winnipeg. If summer happens to fall on a weekend in Winnipeg you can have a picnic…, but you have to deal with Winnipeg’s city bird the mosquito.
Today is the last day of 2016. Yesterday we tried to put a good light on the year. It does seem like a lot of folks died, a trend I believe will only increase as we baby boomers shuffle off this oblate spheroid.
We will likely celebrate in our traditional way. We will sit on the couch and try to stay awake until midnight watching the TV and the baby monitor. On the TV will be that irritating redhead and that giggling Anderson Cooper discussing Ryan Seacrest. It’s like watching the world’s slowest and longest submarine race. What else is there? We don’t want to miss the ball dropping (secretly hoping it gets stuck on the way down).
I usually break out singing my version of Auld Lang’s Syne. This song comes from the Scots and needs to be translated to make any sense. Wikipedia (thankfully they’ve stopped begging for money on their site) says it means; old long since or long long ago or days gone by or for (the sake) of old times.