I – I’m back

Friday April 17th, 2015

I’m back in Ontario, it is sinking in slowly. Here in Toronto, the home of the Maple Leafs (Oh ya, the Leafs have fallen). As I sit here it amazes me how much the traffic going by on Bloor does not sound like the Sea. I will adjust.

On day one back here in Ontario priorities have changed. Much of the talk last night was about baby showers and baby names. Jeezuz Murphy…Sister Mary Francis, a name for my grandson. I do not in any way suggest consideration of any of the names in the previous sentence. The ultimate decision on a name rests with the parents and I understand that. But Grandparents can suggest – Section 19, subsection 4, a, ii of the Sailors General rules, nutrition and mixology…just sayin.

At a minimum you have your name about six months longer than your teeth and serious consideration is required. The child’s arrival is about six weeks away and I don’t think anyone has considered a naming ceremony. Naming ceremonies can be elaborate and over the top or just smiles, the first time the child’s name is said in the open air.

I do have some suggestions and I will suggest some from Irish heritage, in no particular order;

  • Eamon pronounced Aim + An
  • Quinn
  • Seamus pronounced Shay + Muhs

Sailing names:

  • Keel or Keelson
  • Sailor


This has certainly be fun. ML is as yet not up so my name suggestions stand.  As with most things I will do whatever I want and I will name the child with ceremony included. The names as suggested are my suggestions only and in no way represent ‘our’ suggestions.

All humour aside (nice to use ‘u’ again) I am just proud, delighted and excited to have a grandson on the way. Hang on, if you thought I was bad and Michael is worse…sister Mary Francis, Jeezuz Murphy Tabernac


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