Hot here…Cold there, fah true

ar125090246318494To say it is hot today is an understatement. I walked over to the grocery store and the speed left me 100 yards from the boat. It is hot. I’m sorry to tell you that because I know it is not hot back in the world. Reports of -14 c. Well it is 32 here a difference of only 46 degrees c. Said quickly that is not a lot. But in old degrees it is about 83 degrees.

When we get on the water a breeze can make the temp seem more tolerable. Or you could jump in for a dip. In the yardCold_Thermometer

you can freak out and spray with the hose. You can drink beer.

I drink Carib and Rick drinks Heineken. My beer is at least made in the Caribbean, namely Trinidad
It is too hot to blog and make sense, not that I do anyway but I am melting.




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