
Today so far I have done laundry. Still some clothes that were either damp or salty or both. Only costs 1.50 per load in either the dryer or the washer. That sounds cheaper than at home. I have an ironing board in my room but no iron and a phone jack and no phone. I stopped at the desk and asked about the phone, she said they would fix it on Monday. Then I asked for a wake up call tomorrow morning at 6 so I can meet my cab to airport. She said no problem and entered it. OMG it is the Bahamas?!

My options for the day include some yardwork. ??What am I saying, I’m going to the casino.

My report on the casino is…it is defective. One way money siphoning operation. They played with me for a while and I struggled in the end I had 90 minutes of entertainment for 60 bucks.

Oh Well.





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