Tuesday December 23rd, 2014
As a family we decided to remove gifts from the equation for this years Christmas. Everyone is traveling and spending lots of money to get together for this Florida Christmas so the decision was made. It was surprising how much stress and anxiety was eliminated. We will return to the wanton commercialism next year, what with a grandchild arriving and all.
We have to go to Miami tomorrow to pick up Jennifer. The family will be together for Christmas eve. The tentative plan (my plan (unapproved)) is to sail across Charlotte Harbor to Cayo Costa an island state park. There are no roads so I assume that on Christmas day and Boxing day it will be quiet. We will do Christmas dinner on the hook and explore the island on Boxing Day.
Plans do change…
To those of you not in Florida… Enjoy where you are. Enjoy who is with you. Don’t eat toooooo much.